Hypothetically speaking, say I offered a challenge to my viewers: Pin Marc J the teen wrestler, bodybuilder & athlete. In return for your clean win against me you'll receive $1000 cash, there are no weight classes, no handicaps, nothing but a level 1-on-1 match. Now if I win, you'll be used by me any way I want, and with my solid muscle bod and wrestling experience that's looking less hypothetial and more like the real outcome.
You really wanna wrestle me? Watch then reconsider
So let's say I've won our match, the cash prize out of your reach, your arms pinned behind you. I'll proceed to stretch you out & crush you with my powerful muscle.
You're mine for the taking and very soon you'll learn what that means. If you like the feeling of helplessness then by all means challenge me to a wrestling match. Also, if you like watching me show off on Skype add my username, Smokemymarc. Add me for cam-shows, the cost is $3/minute I can get verbal or dominant as you like I'm always very fun.